3 Shades of Blue

3 Shades of Blue Reviewed in The New York Times

The Times’ Peter Keepnews reviewed 3 Shades for their March 7th, 2024 issue, praising Kaplan’s writing on the golden age of jazz.

“A compelling read . . . [Kaplan] knows how to tell a story, and in 3 Shades of Blue he has a good one to tell. Or, rather, three good ones. . . . Kaplan has framed 3 Shades of Blue as both a chronicle of a golden age and a lament for its decline and fall. One doesn’t have to accept the decline-and-fall part to acknowledge that he has done a lovely job of evoking the golden age.” – The New York Times

Read the full review online now and purchase a copy of 3 Shades of Blue from Bookshop.org or Kaplan’s publisher Penguin.